Thursday, December 16, 2010

Naomi's Holiday Gift Guide, 2010

Whatever your cause for giving this month, consider this a list of my favorite things, all highly recommended to give your loved ones--or your self.

For the reader on your list:

  • Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. Sexy, Scottish 18th century hero and a British time-traveling heroine. A truly self-indulgent read, deliciously sensual (and probably not appropriate for young readers). Available at Powell's for $5.50 (as of this writing), or from for even less (75 cents as of this writing), at your library for free--or, of course, I recommend you try your local independent bookseller.
  • Outliers: The Story of Success, by Malcolm Gladwell. As compelling as any of his works, Gladwell's narrative style make his brilliant deductions about the way social and economic systems--or in this case, successes--work eminently readable. I borrowed a copy from the Blue Hill Public Library and couldn't put it down. You could buy one for somewhere between $9.99-$16.99.
  • BUST magazine.Feminism, fashion, music, books, hand-made stuff, travel, sex, parenting. It's the best thing since home-made bread baked by your best tattooed vegan friend wearing a vintage apron and thrifted shoes. It's fun to be smart. Every year, I give a subscription to one rad friend. 6 issues, $19.95.
  • VegNews magazine. A smart, gorgeous vegetarian magazine with a strong leaning toward veganism, I recommend it, even if you're not a vegetarian or a vegan. Those interested in sustainability, animal rights, environmental issues, healthy eating, travel, fashion, cooking, or kindness should give it a try. It's got a classy, accessible feel and is carefully crafted. One-year subscription for $20.

For mid-coast or downeast Mainers:

Notions, Lotions, and Accessories:

  • Handbags from Susan Nichole. (Coupon code VEGNEWS will save you 15%). I have the Leah in black and I *love* it. As of this writing, it's on sale for $68. Made from 100% vegan, cruelty-free and recyclable materials. All Susan Nichole bags are animal- and earth-friendly.
  • Socks from Sock Dreams. Free shipping is always available from this Portland, Oregon-based sock (and other accessory) outfit. This self-described bunch of  unique and quirky individuals "value diversity as much as [they] value comfy socks and great customer service." I have had hit or miss luck with the fit of their products, but the things I love, I really love. And the customer service is great. You can shop by categories that are near and dear to my heart, as well: plus-sized, Made in the USA, and eco-friendly, for starters.
  • Anything from Lavera or Alba. All natural, cruelty-free. My favorites are the Wild Rose Cleansing Milk ($19, Lavera) and the Hawaiian cocoa butter hand & body lotion (Alba, $9.95 for 7oz).
  • Wooden Eyeglasses Rest, 10,000 Villages ($18). Fairly-traded, handcrafted goodness. Peter and I nearly bought this on a recent trip to 10,000 Villages in Northampton and we don't even wear glasses! We also very nearly bought this Cat Gourd ornament ($10), as well.
  • We did buy these Bright Sky Star ornaments ($8), as a thank you gift for a friend. And these Evening Out earrings ($14), which I absolutely LOVE. I also own this Sunburst Ornament ($10--on sale now for $2.50).
  • Image courtesy 10,000 Villages.
  • Metallic Ceramic necklace, from Kenya ($38), also via 10,000 Villages. Fell in love with this, too, and very nearly bought it, but I bought a necklace I loved even more, instead. (It's not currently listed in the online catalog.)

Everything at 10,000 Villages is hand-made and fair-trade.

More hand-made

I recommend ShopClementine, Lotuspad, and Pieces of a Girl. I own jewelery from all three. Among our favorites in each current catalog:

