Saturday, October 26, 2013

Yoga Tales from Rural Maine: "We are Yoga."

In yoga, we have a word, "kula"; it means "community of the heart." 

Almost two years to the day after I began teaching with my RYT, last week I started teaching in my very own studio (151 Main Street, Bucksport). 

And do you know what's especially beautiful about that? I have experienced so much love, devotion and magic these last two years with my students as a roaming gnome of yoga, that it doesn't even matter. What I know, what all of my students know, is that Yoga with Naomi is not about where we practice. Our yoga happens whenever we come together in the shared experience of open-hearted practice, whether that is in a chilly room or a church basement or a student's lawn or a seaside beach (complete with decaying cormorants) or even a (wonderful) fire station. 

I love that now I can give my students warm soft floors and a comfortable room temperature and a nice spot to store their shoes, but I love even more that I know for certain that they would keep coming, even if I couldn't give them those things. We are a community of the heart and we don't need anything other than ourselves to experience that. Namaste, my friends. We are yoga.

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