Friday, September 30, 2016

Fire Fighting Tales from Rural Maine: A big day!'s official! On July 28th, 2016 I went interior for the first time as a fire fighter. (Into confined spaces, no less!) And a woman accepted the nomination for President by a major party. I feel like I got hit by a dump truck and then steamed like a dumpling, which was subsequently dropped into swampwater, but gosh, my heart is full of gratitude on this day.
HCFA graduates were out in full force at this fire, btw. If you watch the footage there's a *very* cute shot of Caleb Reed while we put our packs on to go back in for the second (or third?) time. Fortunately I'm back-to the camera, so it's Caleb's sweet face you get to see. And there's a good shot of Taylor Zeigler-Miller, too. Welcome home, Caleb! And thank you HCFA for the excellent preparation for this day. (I heart the Orland Fire Department and I feel so lucky to be among you.)

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